Here’s a simple way to set up multiple Docker containers on a single host, with each container representing a unique domain, and each container protected with a LetsEncrypt SSL certificate. In this example, the host system handles the SSL certs, with no need for SSL configuration on the containers.
bookmark_borderMigrating from MySQL to SQLite
I faced a small challenge this weekend in migrating a database from MySQL to SQLite. All instructions for exporting from MySQL and importing into SQLite seemed to fail. Of course, this begs the question, why migrate from MySQL to SQLite in the first place? Let me explain.
bookmark_borderA Tale of Failure on Multiple Levels
A recent project ran into an issue after a few weeks in production. The problem was traced to a handful of things that could be considered mistakes, two of which are fairly easy to avoid in the future, but one of which might be quite difficult: anticipating edge cases during testing.
bookmark_borderUsing ssh keys with Github and Bitbucket with multiple accounts
Both Github and Bitbucket recently changed the way developers must access their repositories when cloning, pushing or pulling. If you’ve got multiple accounts at either service, this solution should help.
bookmark_borderScheduling tasks in Laravel
On a recent client project I needed to schedule a task so that the site would sync its data with two APIs every day. In the past I would simply have created a CRON job to execute a shell script to execute the update. Laravel makes it so much easier!
bookmark_borderManually updating post meta data after a post has been published
Recently, while creating a Wordpress plugin for a client website, I ran into a problem with some Wordpress action hooks that that had me stymied for a couple of hours. Here’s my solution.
bookmark_borderMarathon Laravel Update from 5.6 to 9.0
I recently bit the bullet and decided to update a Laravel app that has been running on Laravel 5.6 since early 2018. Laravel 9 was released a week ago, and I started to feel left behind.
bookmark_borderInstalling XDebug for XAMPP on Mac (Intel or M1) with a little help from Homebrew
How to install XDebug for XAMPP on a Mac (Intel or M1), without HomeBrew. While it’s not as easy as it is on WIndows (a simple download), it’s still pretty straightforward. Just follow these steps.
bookmark_borderSetting up XDebug 3 on a Docker Container with Visual Studio Code
Using and configuring XDebug since the release of version 3 has been a breeze. Similarly, getting XDebug to work when using a Docker Container as a dev environment is equally easy.
bookmark_borderHow to use earlier version of PHP with Composer
If you need to run an older version of PHP for Composer when installing an older project with outdated dependencies, here’s a quick fix that does not require mucking with environment variables.